[Twisted-Python] twisted.python.sendmsg segfault - looking for confirmation
ex vito
2016-12-28 03:15:58 UTC
Dear all,

While working on http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8912 and the associated PR at https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/647 I hit a segmentation fault on a test I was preparing.

I think narrowed it down Linux + Python 2, but I'm not 100% sure. Can anyone please confirm the code below segfaults on such environment? For completeness, from my tests, it works fine on Linux + Python 3, and fails with socket.error/OSError on Mac OS 10.9.5 + Python 2/3. No BSDs at hand to try out...

As far as I can tell, no code in Twisted uses sendmsg in the way the code is using it. However, twisted.python.sendmsg is a public API so someone somewhere may hit this like I just did.

Other than looking for confirmation, I have a fix which I included two isolated commits in the PR. Twisted project members: if this is confirmed, maybe a ticket should be created in Trac and an independent PR created, correct?

Thanks in advance for any input.

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import os
import socket
import struct
import sys

from twisted.python import sendmsg

if __name__ == '__main__':

# This code segfaults when running with twisted/trunk commit
# 98a3df200968b78bd3b985dfd4fb10a5b415d6fc on Linux Python 2
# due to a bug in src/twisted/python/_sendmsg.c and glibc's
# CMSG_NXTHDR implementation.

# get connected sockets
s1, s2 = socket.socketpair(socket.AF_UNIX)

# two CMSGs in ancillary data (no segfault with just one)
ancillary = [
(socket.SOL_SOCKET, sendmsg.SCM_RIGHTS, struct.pack('i', s1.fileno())),
(socket.SOL_SOCKET, sendmsg.SCM_RIGHTS, struct.pack('i', s2.fileno())),

expected = {
2: 'Expecting to segfault.',
3: 'Should not segfault.',
print expected.get(sys.version_info.major, 'Unexpected Python version.')
retval = sendmsg.sendmsg(s1, data=b'some data', ancillary=ancillary)
print 'Did not segfault.'

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Amber "Hawkie" Brown
2016-12-28 03:25:39 UTC
Post by ex vito
Dear all,
While working on http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8912 and the associated PR at https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/647 I hit a segmentation fault on a test I was preparing.
I think narrowed it down Linux + Python 2, but I'm not 100% sure. Can anyone please confirm the code below segfaults on such environment? For completeness, from my tests, it works fine on Linux + Python 3, and fails with socket.error/OSError on Mac OS 10.9.5 + Python 2/3. No BSDs at hand to try out...
As far as I can tell, no code in Twisted uses sendmsg in the way the code is using it. However, twisted.python.sendmsg is a public API so someone somewhere may hit this like I just did.
Other than looking for confirmation, I have a fix which I included two isolated commits in the PR. Twisted project members: if this is confirmed, maybe a ticket should be created in Trac and an independent PR created, correct?
Thanks in advance for any input.
-[ cut here ]----------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import socket
import struct
import sys
from twisted.python import sendmsg
# This code segfaults when running with twisted/trunk commit
# 98a3df200968b78bd3b985dfd4fb10a5b415d6fc on Linux Python 2
# due to a bug in src/twisted/python/_sendmsg.c and glibc's
# CMSG_NXTHDR implementation.
# get connected sockets
s1, s2 = socket.socketpair(socket.AF_UNIX)
# two CMSGs in ancillary data (no segfault with just one)
ancillary = [
(socket.SOL_SOCKET, sendmsg.SCM_RIGHTS, struct.pack('i', s1.fileno())),
(socket.SOL_SOCKET, sendmsg.SCM_RIGHTS, struct.pack('i', s2.fileno())),
expected = {
2: 'Expecting to segfault.',
3: 'Should not segfault.',
print expected.get(sys.version_info.major, 'Unexpected Python version.')
retval = sendmsg.sendmsg(s1, data=b'some data', ancillary=ancillary)
print 'Did not segfault.'
-[ cut here ]----------------------------------------------------------------------
Twisted-Python mailing list
FWIW, for people wanting to track this down, this may be a bug in our C extension (src/twisted/python/_sendmsg.c). Python 3 uses the stdlib's functionality, which is probably why it isn't running into this.

- Amber
Glyph Lefkowitz
2016-12-29 12:23:44 UTC
Post by ex vito
As far as I can tell, no code in Twisted uses sendmsg in the way the code is using it. However, twisted.python.sendmsg is a public API so someone somewhere may hit this like I just did.
Post by ex vito
Other than looking for confirmation, I have a fix which I included two isolated commits in the PR. Twisted project members: if this is confirmed, maybe a ticket should be created in Trac and an independent PR created, correct?
You should definitely create that ticket. In fact, you don't need to wait for confirmation - create the ticket now, and send the link to it, so someone else can comment on the ticket when it is confirmed - discussion of the reproduction process can happen there.

ex vito
2016-12-29 19:01:04 UTC
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by ex vito
Other than looking for confirmation, I have a fix which I included two isolated commits in the PR. Twisted project members: if this is confirmed, maybe a ticket should be created in Trac and an independent PR created, correct?
You should definitely create that ticket. In fact, you don't need to wait for confirmation - create the ticket now, and send the link to it, so someone else can comment on the ticket when it is confirmed - discussion of the reproduction process can happen there.

Ticket: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8969
PR: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/650

Up for review with a guidance request on how to achieve 100% diff coverage given that different platforms behave differently with the same input.

Thanks and regards,
Glyph Lefkowitz
2016-12-30 01:56:43 UTC
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by ex vito
Other than looking for confirmation, I have a fix which I included two isolated commits in the PR. Twisted project members: if this is confirmed, maybe a ticket should be created in Trac and an independent PR created, correct?
You should definitely create that ticket. In fact, you don't need to wait for confirmation - create the ticket now, and send the link to it, so someone else can comment on the ticket when it is confirmed - discussion of the reproduction process can happen there.
Ticket: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8969 <https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8969>
PR: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/650 <https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/650>
Up for review with a guidance request on how to achieve 100% diff coverage given that different platforms behave differently with the same input.
All our supported platforms submit coverage reports; the coverage reported by codecov should be the union of all those reports. So, when your code gets pushed to a branch and run on the buildbots, the coverage report should indicate that.

Ex Vitorino
2016-12-30 11:48:19 UTC
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by ex vito
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by ex vito
Other than looking for confirmation, I have a fix which I included two isolated commits in the PR. Twisted project members: if this is confirmed, maybe a ticket should be created in Trac and an independent PR created, correct?
You should definitely create that ticket. In fact, you don't need to wait for confirmation - create the ticket now, and send the link to it, so someone else can comment on the ticket when it is confirmed - discussion of the reproduction process can happen there.
Ticket: https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/8969
PR: https://github.com/twisted/twisted/pull/650
Up for review with a guidance request on how to achieve 100% diff coverage given that different platforms behave differently with the same input.
All our supported platforms submit coverage reports; the coverage reported by codecov should be the union of all those reports. So, when your code gets pushed to a branch and run on the buildbots, the coverage report should indicate that.
Oh, nice! I hadn't figured that out, yet. It makes sense and after rodrigc pushed it to the buildbots it did confirm total diff coverage.

Thanks to both.
