[Twisted-Python] in case there's downtime
Glyph Lefkowitz
2017-03-25 04:14:27 UTC
We've been very conservative about upgrading our operating system on twistedmatrix.com <http://twistedmatrix.com/>, since we don't want to disrupt anything. Since our OS is one release too old to support Docker, that unfortunately means we haven't been able to migrate incrementally to containers, which creates a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem.

However, as we are days away from the end-of-life cliff for the operating system as a whole, and as I discovered a few minutes ago, dozens of packages are already unsupported and not receiving security updates, I'm going to upgrade the host OS manually, even if it results in some disruption. As with the Twisted compatibility policy, security is a good enough reason to break stuff.

Maybe we'll even get a new version of Mailman that will let me turn automatic subscriptions back on while the star-crossed https://lists.twistedmatrix.com <https://lists.twistedmatrix.com/> project waits for someone else to help out :-).

Chris Norman
2017-03-25 20:21:40 UTC

What needs taking over on the mailing list side? I'd love to help out if

Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
We've been very conservative about upgrading our operating system on
twistedmatrix.com <http://twistedmatrix.com>, since we don't want to
disrupt anything. Since our OS is one release too old to support
Docker, that unfortunately means we haven't been able to migrate
incrementally to containers, which creates a bit of a chicken-and-egg
However, as we are days away from the end-of-life cliff for the
operating system as a whole, and as I discovered a few minutes ago,
dozens of packages are already unsupported and not receiving security
updates, I'm going to upgrade the host OS manually, even if it results
in some disruption. As with the Twisted compatibility policy,
security is a good enough reason to break stuff.
Maybe we'll even get a new version of Mailman that will let me turn
automatic subscriptions back on while the star-crossed
https://lists.twistedmatrix.com project waits for someone else to help
out :-).
Twisted-Python mailing list
Glyph Lefkowitz
2017-03-25 21:01:01 UTC
What needs taking over on the mailing list side? I'd love to help out if possible.
Hi Chris!

Thanks for volunteering. If you'd like to help out with infrastructure _generally_, there's a channel on freenode, #twisted-admin, where you can show up to discuss what's going on.

As to mailing lists specifically; over a year ago now, I outlined a plan to migrate our mail infrastructure:

https://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2016-March/030189.html <https://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2016-March/030189.html>

Unfortunately, I never had nearly as much time to work on that as I'd thought I would; also, Mailgun is no longer a product of Rackspace; also, I no longer work at either Rackspace or Mailgun :). There's also the issue that the service that https://github.com/twisted-infra/lists.twistedmatrix.com/ <https://github.com/twisted-infra/lists.twistedmatrix.com/> deploys to, Carina, is shutting down: https://getcarina.com <https://getcarina.com/>. So we need to find a new place for it to migrate to if it's going to be a real thing.

However, the generous open-source discount that Mailgun offers to Twisted remains in place.

Originally, I'd been nervous about migrating twistedmatrix.com <http://twistedmatrix.com/> to Mailgun without having an alternate solution in place for mailing lists, because I didn't want to be blasting out any spam that we were generating via mailman and ruining our sender score there. I was also under the impression that more of the domain-name configuration had to match up in Mailman than actually does; experiments during the latest OS upgrade indicate to me that it's a relatively small configuration change.

Disabling automatic subscriptions does seem to have mitigated that almost completely, and now we're on a recent enough OS that we'll get security updates for mailman, at least. Plus, Mailgun will give me better visibility than I currently have if we are generating such bad messages. As such I'll probably migrate our main mail delivery / forwarder pipeline to mailgun later today, allowing us to migrate individual addresses or lists to some other system rather than doing something all at once.

Users with @twistedmatrix.com email addresses will need to get an SMTP password token from me in order to be able to properly send outbound DKIM-signed messages. I am pretty sure you all have alternate ways of reaching me :-).

If I manage to screw up mail routing so bad that you can't reach me via this mail address, by the way, and you need to report a problem after this move, you can send messages to mail-admin-***@glyph.im <mailto:mail-admin-***@glyph.im>.


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