[Twisted-Python] ITransport.write after IProtocol.connectionLost -- no failure/exception?
exvito here
2016-12-15 17:07:42 UTC
Dear all,

The subject says most of it. While diagnosing a behavior on a somewhat
large codebase, I found out something somewhat surprising -- see
subject -- which is replicated with the minimal code example below.

It is a LineReceiver client that:
1. Connects to
2. Sends a line of text.
3. Disconnects one second later.
4. Tries to send another line of text, one second after disconnection.

I expected step 4 to fail somehow, given that Twisted promptly
detected that the connection closed and IProtocol.connectionLost was
called, as documented. Nevertheless, it does not fail.

So the questions are:
a) Why does it not fail? I'm sure there is a good reason for that, as
most things do in Twisted.
b) Does a protocol implementation, like the one in the example, really
need to track connectionMade / connectionLost calls before going for
c) Can a protocol implementation, instead, depend on
self.transport.connected for which I found no documentation? (I
probably missed it, where is it?)

Thanks in advance for enlightening me. :-)

# --[ cut here ]----------------------------------------------------

from twisted.internet import protocol, reactor, defer
from twisted.protocols import basic

class ClientAPI(basic.LineReceiver):

def _log(self, msg):
print('[connected=%r] %s' % (self.transport.connected, msg))

def _send(self, line):
self._log('sent: %r' % (line,))

def connectionMade(self):
self._log('connection made')
self._send('first line')
reactor.callLater(1, lambda: self.transport.loseConnection())

def connectionLost(self, reason):
self._log('connection lost')
reactor.callLater(1, self.postConnectionLostCall)

def postConnectionLostCall(self):
self._send('post conn lost call - SHOULD FAIL')

class ClientFactory(protocol.ClientFactory):

protocol = ClientAPI

def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, reason):
print 'connection failed -', reason

if __name__ == '__main__':

factory = ClientFactory()
reactor.connectTCP('', 10000, factory)
Cory Benfield
2016-12-16 13:22:09 UTC
Post by exvito here
Dear all,
The subject says most of it. While diagnosing a behavior on a somewhat
large codebase, I found out something somewhat surprising -- see
subject -- which is replicated with the minimal code example below.
1. Connects to
2. Sends a line of text.
3. Disconnects one second later.
4. Tries to send another line of text, one second after disconnection.
I expected step 4 to fail somehow, given that Twisted promptly
detected that the connection closed and IProtocol.connectionLost was
called, as documented. Nevertheless, it does not fail.
I can’t speak for the design of Twisted, but this is definitely an intended implementation behaviour: because twisted’s write method is non-blocking, it is generally nicer to avoid write exploding in your face when disconnected.
Post by exvito here
b) Does a protocol implementation, like the one in the example, really
need to track connectionMade / connectionLost calls before going for
A well-written protocol should stop finding reasons to write once connectionLost is called, yes. Similarly, it should probably avoid writing before connectionMade.
Post by exvito here
c) Can a protocol implementation, instead, depend on
self.transport.connected for which I found no documentation? (I
probably missed it, where is it?)
I have no good answer to this one, but basically I suspect the answer is “yes, for the default TCP transports”, but “no, not in the general case, because it’s not part of a documented interface”.

Glyph Lefkowitz
2016-12-16 20:27:59 UTC
Post by Cory Benfield
Post by exvito here
Dear all,
The subject says most of it. While diagnosing a behavior on a somewhat
large codebase, I found out something somewhat surprising -- see
subject -- which is replicated with the minimal code example below.
1. Connects to
2. Sends a line of text.
3. Disconnects one second later.
4. Tries to send another line of text, one second after disconnection.
I expected step 4 to fail somehow, given that Twisted promptly
detected that the connection closed and IProtocol.connectionLost was
called, as documented. Nevertheless, it does not fail.
I can’t speak for the design of Twisted, but this is definitely an intended implementation behaviour: because twisted’s write method is non-blocking, it is generally nicer to avoid write exploding in your face when disconnected.
I can! The main design feature of this approach is that if you have a loop like this:

for x in messages:

you should not have to write it to be:

for x in messages:
if self._flagISetInConnectionLost:

just to avoid seeing tracebacks in your logs.

If you care about the disconnection event, implement connectionLost to do the thing that needs to be done (in this case, stop your LoopingCall). That's what that callback is there for!

exvito here
2016-12-17 14:11:22 UTC
On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by Cory Benfield
Post by exvito here
Dear all,
The subject says most of it. While diagnosing a behavior on a somewhat
large codebase, I found out something somewhat surprising -- see
subject -- which is replicated with the minimal code example below.
1. Connects to
2. Sends a line of text.
3. Disconnects one second later.
4. Tries to send another line of text, one second after disconnection.
I expected step 4 to fail somehow, given that Twisted promptly
detected that the connection closed and IProtocol.connectionLost was
called, as documented. Nevertheless, it does not fail.
I can’t speak for the design of Twisted, but this is definitely an intended implementation behaviour: because twisted’s write method is non-blocking, it is generally nicer to avoid write exploding in your face when disconnected.
just to avoid seeing tracebacks in your logs.
If you care about the disconnection event, implement connectionLost to do the thing that needs to be done (in this case, stop your LoopingCall). That's what that callback is there for!
Thanks for your input Cory and Glyph.

I do agree that a well written protocol should not
self.transport.write after connectionLost -- it does not make any kind
of sense to do that. It's just that the one I was debugging was doing
it in its app-level keep alive messages triggered by
IReactorTime.callLater which wasn't properly cancelled on
connectionLost. This, in turn, lead to unpexpected app-level keep
alive timeouts after disconnection which, while acceptable (depending
on app/protocol design), were having a negative impact on the overall
connection/protocol teardown and cleanup.

Having said this, the fact that self.transport.write does not complain
after connectionLost just made my analysis and debugging more
difficult (yes, I was aware that it is non-blocking -- thanks Cory --
and that when talking to the network the only confirmation of delivery
must be obtained from a received message stating that fact).

All in all, I was just looking for confirmation from a conceptual /
design standpoint. That was my purpose and it is now clear. Thanks.

Going a little bit further, in this context, I wonder if my
understanding of the Protocol / Transport objects lifecycle is 100%
clear. I think there is a one to one relationship in the sense that,
simply put, on an incoming connection the underlying machinery
instantiates a Protocol via the Factory's buildProtocol method,
instantiates a Transport object and then calls Protocol.makeConnection
to "attach" the transport to the protocol; when the connection is
closed, the Transport calls connectionLost on the Protocol and, at
some point, those two objects are no longer "usable" -- they've done
their job and will be destroyed if no app level references are kept to

If this is correct, in particular the fact that a given Transport
instance is not reusable after disconnection (if it is, could you
please point out such a case?), wouldn't it be valuable to log a
warning when write after disconnect is called? (agreed, raising an
Exception would be too much and break compatiblity). I find two
reasons for that: on one hand, given that it would have made my
debugging easier, it may help other developers pin point such cases;
on the other, the fact that Twisted itself logs messages on several
occasions, such as, for example, the default noisy Factory on doStart
/ doStop. Adding to that, the fact that, if I'm reading the code
correctly, ITransport.write just throws away the data for TCP
transports since it falls back to FileDescriptor.write that simply
returns if "not self.connected or self._writeDisconnected" in

Thoughts? (or corrections, of course?)

Again, thanks for your time and input.

PS: I don't mean to start a huge discussion on the topic or question
the current design. It is very nice as it is, thank you! I'm just
looking for improving my understanding and, humbly, contributing back.
Glyph Lefkowitz
2016-12-17 23:18:54 UTC
Post by exvito here
On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 8:27 PM, Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by exvito here
Dear all,
The subject says most of it. While diagnosing a behavior on a somewhat
large codebase, I found out something somewhat surprising -- see
subject -- which is replicated with the minimal code example below.
1. Connects to
2. Sends a line of text.
3. Disconnects one second later.
4. Tries to send another line of text, one second after disconnection.
I expected step 4 to fail somehow, given that Twisted promptly
detected that the connection closed and IProtocol.connectionLost was
called, as documented. Nevertheless, it does not fail.
I can’t speak for the design of Twisted, but this is definitely an intended implementation behaviour: because twisted’s write method is non-blocking, it is generally nicer to avoid write exploding in your face when disconnected.
just to avoid seeing tracebacks in your logs.
If you care about the disconnection event, implement connectionLost to do the thing that needs to be done (in this case, stop your LoopingCall). That's what that callback is there for!
Thanks for your input Cory and Glyph.
I do agree that a well written protocol should not
self.transport.write after connectionLost -- it does not make any kind
of sense to do that. It's just that the one I was debugging was doing
it in its app-level keep alive messages triggered by
IReactorTime.callLater which wasn't properly cancelled on
connectionLost. This, in turn, lead to unpexpected app-level keep
alive timeouts after disconnection which, while acceptable (depending
on app/protocol design), were having a negative impact on the overall
connection/protocol teardown and cleanup.
Having said this, the fact that self.transport.write does not complain
after connectionLost just made my analysis and debugging more
difficult (yes, I was aware that it is non-blocking -- thanks Cory --
and that when talking to the network the only confirmation of delivery
must be obtained from a received message stating that fact).
All in all, I was just looking for confirmation from a conceptual /
design standpoint. That was my purpose and it is now clear. Thanks.
Going a little bit further, in this context, I wonder if my
understanding of the Protocol / Transport objects lifecycle is 100%
clear. I think there is a one to one relationship in the sense that,
simply put, on an incoming connection the underlying machinery
instantiates a Protocol via the Factory's buildProtocol method,
instantiates a Transport object and then calls Protocol.makeConnection
to "attach" the transport to the protocol; when the connection is
closed, the Transport calls connectionLost on the Protocol and, at
some point, those two objects are no longer "usable" -- they've done
their job and will be destroyed if no app level references are kept to
They're not "destroyed", exactly.

The way to think about this is that the reactor, while running, is always on the stack. The stack is the root of what's currently 'active' in the garbage collector. The reactor then has references to various things - in this case, TCP transports and timed DelayedCall objects. The transport has a reference to the protocol, which is what keeps both of them "usable". The DelayedCall has a reference to your function, and your function to anything it needs to do its work.

Things can be removed from and added back to the reactor at any time - for example, a transport may be removed without being closed by calling .stopReading() and .stopWriting() on it. If it gets garbage collected, its socket will be closed, but because the reactor didn't close it, you won't get a normal connectionLost notification.

So rather than thinking of a Transport as having a precisely-defined lifecycle - although it does have certain states it goes through; connecting/connected/disconnecting/disconnected - the best way to think about it is as a graph of objects that the reactor is doing stuff to.
Post by exvito here
If this is correct, in particular the fact that a given Transport
instance is not reusable after disconnection (if it is, could you
please point out such a case?), wouldn't it be valuable to log a
warning when write after disconnect is called? (agreed, raising an
Exception would be too much and break compatiblity). I find two
reasons for that: on one hand, given that it would have made my
debugging easier, it may help other developers pin point such cases;
on the other, the fact that Twisted itself logs messages on several
occasions, such as, for example, the default noisy Factory on doStart
/ doStop. Adding to that, the fact that, if I'm reading the code
correctly, ITransport.write just throws away the data for TCP
transports since it falls back to FileDescriptor.write that simply
returns if "not self.connected or self._writeDisconnected" in
If you start logging a warning when write is called on a closed transport, then that means any code that wants to be warnings-clean needs to check to see if the transport is writable before writing to it. This adds a lot of complexity to that sort of message-formatting code, and potentially makes it less efficient. After all, if you have to check each write() call, that will strongly encourage you to make your message-formatting happen entirely in memory, so you always have a big string that represents the whole message, just in case a transport.write() in the middle would encounter an error.

More importantly, when users start seeing a warning like this, they often develop an incorrect intuition about what's going on with the bytes; one of the _most_ frequently asked questions about how to write Twisted protocols is "how do I tell if my bytes got to the other end without sending an application-level acknowledgement". The answer, of course, is "that's impossible" but if users see that sometimes it warns them when the connection's closed, it reinforces the idea that there must be a way.

If you call .write, there is always the possibility that the connection _looks_ open to Twisted, but in fact is closed on the wire, and those bytes will be lost. So it's important to me that we behave the same way in both cases.

That said, it's not like there's no room for improvement here! The solution _I'd_ really like to see for this problem is improved visualization of what the reactor is doing. Something that drew a graph of the reactor, and open connections, and pending timed calls would allow you to instantly see that your timed call was not connected to an active connection, and correct your code.
Post by exvito here
Thoughts? (or corrections, of course?)
Again, thanks for your time and input.
PS: I don't mean to start a huge discussion on the topic or question
the current design. It is very nice as it is, thank you! I'm just
looking for improving my understanding and, humbly, contributing back.
Don't worry, the design is pretty fixed - and if you managed to provoke such a discussion, then maybe it does need to change! But I doubt it :)

Glyph Lefkowitz
2016-12-20 01:02:53 UTC
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by exvito here
Thanks for your input Cory and Glyph.
I do agree that a well written protocol should not
self.transport.write after connectionLost -- it does not make any kind
of sense to do that. It's just that the one I was debugging was doing
it in its app-level keep alive messages triggered by
IReactorTime.callLater which wasn't properly cancelled on
connectionLost. This, in turn, lead to unpexpected app-level keep
alive timeouts after disconnection which, while acceptable (depending
on app/protocol design), were having a negative impact on the overall
connection/protocol teardown and cleanup.
Having said this, the fact that self.transport.write does not complain
after connectionLost just made my analysis and debugging more
difficult (yes, I was aware that it is non-blocking -- thanks Cory --
and that when talking to the network the only confirmation of delivery
must be obtained from a received message stating that fact).
All in all, I was just looking for confirmation from a conceptual /
design standpoint. That was my purpose and it is now clear. Thanks.
Going a little bit further, in this context, I wonder if my
understanding of the Protocol / Transport objects lifecycle is 100%
clear. I think there is a one to one relationship in the sense that,
simply put, on an incoming connection the underlying machinery
instantiates a Protocol via the Factory's buildProtocol method,
instantiates a Transport object and then calls Protocol.makeConnection
to "attach" the transport to the protocol; when the connection is
closed, the Transport calls connectionLost on the Protocol and, at
some point, those two objects are no longer "usable" -- they've done
their job and will be destroyed if no app level references are kept to
They're not "destroyed", exactly.
The way to think about this is that the reactor, while running, is always on the stack. The stack is the root of what's currently 'active' in the garbage collector. The reactor then has references to various things - in this case, TCP transports and timed DelayedCall objects. The transport has a reference to the protocol, which is what keeps both of them "usable". The DelayedCall has a reference to your function, and your function to anything it needs to do its work.
Things can be removed from and added back to the reactor at any time - for example, a transport may be removed without being closed by calling .stopReading() and .stopWriting() on it. If it gets garbage collected, its socket will be closed, but because the reactor didn't close it, you won't get a normal connectionLost notification.
Sure, I had that clear in my understanding, thanks for the additional details on the stopReading/stopWriting -- I'm not familiar with low lever reactor details and, maybe, who knows, one day I'll put myself to the interesting exercise/challenge of playing around writing a reactor. Just to improve my understanding of these details.
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
So rather than thinking of a Transport as having a precisely-defined lifecycle - although it does have certain states it goes through; connecting/connected/disconnecting/disconnected - the best way to think about it is as a graph of objects that the reactor is doing stuff to.
The bottom line (in my mind) is: is it correct or not to assume that, by design, once a Transport instance has been disconnected that same instance will never be connected again, regardless of when exactly that object is destroyed or garbage collected?
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by exvito here
If this is correct, in particular the fact that a given Transport
instance is not reusable after disconnection (if it is, could you
please point out such a case?), wouldn't it be valuable to log a
warning when write after disconnect is called? (agreed, raising an
Exception would be too much and break compatiblity). I find two
reasons for that: on one hand, given that it would have made my
debugging easier, it may help other developers pin point such cases;
on the other, the fact that Twisted itself logs messages on several
occasions, such as, for example, the default noisy Factory on doStart
/ doStop. Adding to that, the fact that, if I'm reading the code
correctly, ITransport.write just throws away the data for TCP
transports since it falls back to FileDescriptor.write that simply
returns if "not self.connected or self._writeDisconnected" in
If you start logging a warning when write is called on a closed transport, then that means any code that wants to be warnings-clean needs to check to see if the transport is writable before writing to it. This adds a lot of complexity to that sort of message-formatting code, and potentially makes it less efficient. After all, if you have to check each write() call, that will strongly encourage you to make your message-formatting happen entirely in memory, so you always have a big string that represents the whole message, just in case a transport.write() in the middle would encounter an error.
I understand that and find it perfectly acceptable. I just tend to err on the extra-cautious side when facing data-loss / data-integrity possibilities and, in the many scenarios I've used Twisted in, performance was never an issue while semantic correctness and implementation resiliency tend to need fixes and improvements. :)
One could argue, though, that someone looking for warnings-clean code (who doesn't, even if the real world and interfacing with it most often prevents it?) might like to know that their "perfect" (lots of quotes here!) warnings-clean code writes won't go anywhere after connectionLost which, in some cases, may help pinpoint an underlying design / implementation issue.
I'd like to underline, though, that I'm not insisting on the "log warning" aspect I raised before. Like I said, the status quo is very good, thank you. Just sharing a few thoughts.
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
More importantly, when users start seeing a warning like this, they often develop an incorrect intuition about what's going on with the bytes; one of the _most_ frequently asked questions about how to write Twisted protocols is "how do I tell if my bytes got to the other end without sending an application-level acknowledgement". The answer, of course, is "that's impossible" but if users see that sometimes it warns them when the connection's closed, it reinforces the idea that there must be a way.
If you call .write, there is always the possibility that the connection _looks_ open to Twisted, but in fact is closed on the wire, and those bytes will be lost. So it's important to me that we behave the same way in both cases.
Yes, I can relate to that common misconception regarding delivery confirmation, throughout the years, working with other people. Networking is non-trivival and there are lots of parts out of application control that can behave in unexpected ways and/or go wrong.
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
That said, it's not like there's no room for improvement here! The solution _I'd_ really like to see for this problem is improved visualization of what the reactor is doing. Something that drew a graph of the reactor, and open connections, and pending timed calls would allow you to instantly see that your timed call was not connected to an active connection, and correct your code.
Well, trial already does that in part, doesn't it? It complains loudly about unclean reactor state after each test. It just doesn't relate timed calls to connections, which sounds like a very non-obvious challenge to handle at the reactor level: how could the reactor know that a given timed call callback will make use of a particular connection?
I'm not suggesting anything that fancy; in this case, you'd just see an active looping call and no active connection and hopefully that would give you the info you need to realize that the connection was not going to get updated :).
That does sound like a very interesting capability, though.
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by exvito here
Thoughts? (or corrections, of course?)
Again, thanks for your time and input.
PS: I don't mean to start a huge discussion on the topic or question
the current design. It is very nice as it is, thank you! I'm just
looking for improving my understanding and, humbly, contributing back.
Don't worry, the design is pretty fixed - and if you managed to provoke such a discussion, then maybe it does need to change! But I doubt it :)
I'm glad it is pretty fixed. That has always given me the confidence to work with it throughout the years. Thanks and congratulations for a very solid piece of code!
Having said this, again very humbly, who knows what the future may bring! ;)
Thanks for taking the time to respond.
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