[Twisted-Python] txtorcon versioning
2017-04-12 20:25:22 UTC
I will soon release the next version of txtorcon with a ton of cool new
features. This will be called 0.19.0. More details:


Going forward, versioning will switch to a "CalVer.org" variant. At one
point, I thought of breaking a few now-regrettable APIs.

However, I will not do this.

The next version after 0.19.0 will be 17.x.y
Changes in any existing APIs will be done by first introducing the new
thing, deprecating the old thing and eventually removing the old
thing. The new documentation's "programming guide" includes some notes
on API stability. I have not to date broken/changed any existing
API. Also at this point nothing is deprecated (but there are "preferred"

The onion services APIs *will* change for the 17.x release.

New code should follow the recommendations in the programming
guide. Existing code will continue to work for the forseeable future.

Manish Tomar
2017-04-13 17:13:16 UTC
Hi Meejah,
Post by meejah
Going forward, versioning will switch to a "CalVer.org" variant.
If you don't mind, could you describe your reasoning behind this decision?
I am always curious to learn any concrete reasons behind this. If this
seems spammy to the mailing list, please feel free to respond only to me.

2017-04-13 17:35:03 UTC
Post by Manish Tomar
If you don't mind, could you describe your reasoning behind this
decision? I am always curious to learn any concrete reasons behind
this. If this seems spammy to the mailing list, please feel free to
respond only to me.
Mostly because I don't want to ever have breaking changes, so then
you're "not supposed" to upgdate the big version number. I haven't found
that "semantic versioning" has been working very well for the
release-style of txtorcon.

Other, less important reasons: Twisted does this; it's easier to tell
"how new" a release is; and big version numbers are cool (just kidding).