Paweł Miech
2015-11-21 09:51:48 UTC
Submission rejected as potential spam
SpamBayes determined spam probability of 74.83
SpamBayes seems to hate new users...SpamBayes determined spam probability of 74.83
This is after trying to submit following bug report:
Executive summary page( is
probably first thing user will read when she visits Twisted page. At the
moment this page is not providing important information about Twisted.
What is missing and what should be present in introduction to Twisted:
* explanation of difference between non-blocking and blocking IO
* what is reactor, why is it important (mention of reactor design pattern)
* introduction to core concepts of Twisted: protocol, factory, defferred
It should be simple and easy to understand explanation that could give
total noob overview of framework.
I also think some paragraphs are misleading and not very informative, for
While Python by itself is a very powerful language, there are many
facilities it lacks which other languages have spent great attention toadding.
It sounds very vague and it is probably not true now isn't it? Python3 has
its own async libraries in standard library so this sentence is misleading.
It began as a game, it is being used commercially in games, and it will
be, I hope, an interactive and entertaining experience for the end-user.this could also appear misleading for newbie. New user will probably visit
docs to learn more about networking, information about usage of twisted in
games may not be relevant for most use cases. It should not be first thing
user reads when she visits introduction.
As a platform, Twisted should be focused on integration. Ideally, all
functionality will be accessible through all protocols.At this point user knows nothing about protocols and knows little about
functionality of Twisted so this sentence will probably not mean much for