I believe this email explains things: http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2016-March/030233.html <http://twistedmatrix.com/pipermail/twisted-python/2016-March/030233.html>
(1) For someone who is not subscribed to the mailing list, that isn't going to help them. In order to
read that, they need to be subscribed to the mailing list.
No, the archives are open; you don't need to be subscribed. I realize that non-subscribers might not have any way to _discover_ that message, but that's a different problem.
(2) That was posted back in March, nearly 4 months ago. What is blocking forward progress on fixing the mailing list?
I realize that folks are overloaded and busy, but is this a 4 month job to fix the mailing list?
Yes. Consider:
I've got no help on this task; volunteers have thus far not been able to make good on their intentions to help out. I have been reluctant to ask for help from existing administrative contributors (yourself, adi, hawkowl) because you've had your plates full as well.
Between now and then I've had PyCon, DockerCon, dozens of Twisted reviews, 2 weeks of vacation, numerous Twisted reviews and a plethora of other tasks at work.
Due to the tightly-coupled nature of our infrastructure, the simple solutions like "upgrade mailman" are not as trivial as they should be, so we are having to take the proverbial long way around.
It's like that old adage from Fred Brooks: "How does a project get to be a year late? One day at a time."