[Twisted-Python] The role of twisted.internet._sslverify.IOpenSSLTrustRoot
Adi Roiban
2015-12-20 17:05:19 UTC

What is the purpose of IOpenSSLTrustRoot ?

It it documented as a private interface, it has only private methods, but
then it is exposed in twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS


I am confused while trying to review

Please take a look at my review and add your wisdom :)

Adi Roiban
Glyph Lefkowitz
2015-12-25 09:20:04 UTC
Post by Adi Roiban
What is the purpose of IOpenSSLTrustRoot ?
The idea is that we have public functions, mainly `optionsForClientTLSÂŽ, which need to take a thing that represents a "trust root". We want this to be something that can abstractly be described at a high level, but then in reality we need to do with gross implementation details of OpenSSL. So this interface describes what you pass.
Post by Adi Roiban
It it documented as a private interface, it has only private methods, but then it is exposed in twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS
Yes, this is intentional. It is a private interface, so you can't check if something provides it, you aren't allowed to know what attributes it has, and you can't implement it. However, you can call a function that is documented to return a value that provides it (such as `twisted.internet.ssl.platformTrustÂŽ) and pass that value to a function documented to accept it (such as `twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS`).

It's private because we weren't sure if we'd want to change it. At the time it was implemented, the only two cases were OpenSSLDefaultPaths and Certificate. In the case of Certificate, you know what certificate you're adding, but in the case of OpenSSLDefaultPaths, you just call a method on the context object to mutate it, and you can't extract information about which certificates are trusted past that. The method we came up with, _addCACertsToContext, was a gross compromise which allowed for implementing this but could not be made abstract, because it reflects a bizarre flaw in the OpenSSL API, and it by necessity exposes pyOpenSSL objects, which we are trying to do less of. For one thing, we'd eventually like to support TLS via OpenSSL using an API provided by Cryptography; for another, we'd like to one day provide TLS from an API that might not be backed by OpenSSL at all. So reducing the surface area of our public API that touches pyOpenSSL is important.

Hopefully this thoroughly explains the decision?
Post by Adi Roiban
I am confused while trying to review https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7671 <https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7671>
Please take a look at my review and add your wisdom :)
This is quite a detailed review :-).

Merry christmas,

Adi Roiban
2015-12-25 22:19:02 UTC
Post by Adi Roiban
What is the purpose of IOpenSSLTrustRoot ?
The idea is that we have public functions, mainly `optionsForClientTLSÂŽ,
which need to take a thing that represents a "trust root". We want this to
be something that can abstractly be described at a high level, but then in
reality we need to do with gross implementation details of OpenSSL. So
this interface describes what you pass.
Reading the docstring of IOpenSSLTrustRoot it does not give any hints about

So instead of

Trust settings for an OpenSSL context.

Maybe it should be something like:

Marker only interface for private implementations of OpenSSL trust root

It it documented as a private interface, it has only private methods, but
Post by Adi Roiban
then it is exposed in twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS
Yes, this is intentional. It is a private interface, so you can't check
if something provides it, you aren't allowed to know what attributes it
has, and you can't implement it. However, you *can* call a function that
is documented to return a value that provides it (such as
`twisted.internet.ssl.platformTrustÂŽ) and pass that value to a function
documented to accept it (such as
It's private because we weren't sure if we'd want to change it. At the
time it was implemented, the only two cases were OpenSSLDefaultPaths and
Certificate. In the case of Certificate, you know what certificate you're
adding, but in the case of OpenSSLDefaultPaths, you just call a method on
the context object to mutate it, and you can't extract information about
which certificates are trusted past that. The method we came up
with, _addCACertsToContext, was a gross compromise which allowed for
implementing this but could not be made abstract, because it reflects a
bizarre flaw in the OpenSSL API, and it by necessity exposes pyOpenSSL
objects, which we are trying to do less of. For one thing, we'd eventually
like to support TLS via OpenSSL using an API provided by Cryptography; for
another, we'd like to one day provide TLS from an API that might not be
backed by OpenSSL at all. So reducing the surface area of our public API
that touches pyOpenSSL is important.
Hopefully this thoroughly explains the decision?
I understand now, but I find it hard to extract this information just from
the code... maybe I am a bad code reader, or maybe the IOpenSSLTrustRoot
docstring should inform that it is a gross compromise so that other people
will understand that this is not really intentional ... and invited to find
something better :)

I am happy to see more backend neutral API but unless we have at least
another use case for non OpenSSL backed TLS I don't know if it worth
designing an API for that unknown API.

I am confused while trying to review
Post by Adi Roiban
Please take a look at my review and add your wisdom :)
This is quite a detailed review :-).
Merry christmas,
Many thanks for your comment.
Adi Roiban
Glyph Lefkowitz
2015-12-26 02:27:58 UTC
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by Adi Roiban
What is the purpose of IOpenSSLTrustRoot ?
The idea is that we have public functions, mainly `optionsForClientTLSÂŽ, which need to take a thing that represents a "trust root". We want this to be something that can abstractly be described at a high level, but then in reality we need to do with gross implementation details of OpenSSL. So this interface describes what you pass.
Reading the docstring of IOpenSSLTrustRoot it does not give any hints about optionsForClientTLS
So instead of
Trust settings for an OpenSSL context.
Marker only interface for private implementations of OpenSSL trust root things.
This is incorrect, though. The term "marker interface" means "interface with no attributes or methods, used to denote a complex property that Interface is insufficiently expressive to describe".

Oh and hey we didn't even invent the term: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marker_interface_pattern :)
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by Adi Roiban
It it documented as a private interface, it has only private methods, but then it is exposed in twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS
Yes, this is intentional. It is a private interface, so you can't check if something provides it, you aren't allowed to know what attributes it has, and you can't implement it. However, you can call a function that is documented to return a value that provides it (such as `twisted.internet.ssl.platformTrustÂŽ) and pass that value to a function documented to accept it (such as `twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS`).
It's private because we weren't sure if we'd want to change it. At the time it was implemented, the only two cases were OpenSSLDefaultPaths and Certificate. In the case of Certificate, you know what certificate you're adding, but in the case of OpenSSLDefaultPaths, you just call a method on the context object to mutate it, and you can't extract information about which certificates are trusted past that. The method we came up with, _addCACertsToContext, was a gross compromise which allowed for implementing this but could not be made abstract, because it reflects a bizarre flaw in the OpenSSL API, and it by necessity exposes pyOpenSSL objects, which we are trying to do less of. For one thing, we'd eventually like to support TLS via OpenSSL using an API provided by Cryptography; for another, we'd like to one day provide TLS from an API that might not be backed by OpenSSL at all. So reducing the surface area of our public API that touches pyOpenSSL is important.
Hopefully this thoroughly explains the decision?
I understand now, but I find it hard to extract this information just from the code... maybe I am a bad code reader, or maybe the IOpenSSLTrustRoot docstring should inform that it is a gross compromise so that other people will understand that this is not really intentional ... and invited to find something better :)
I am happy to see more backend neutral API but unless we have at least another use case for non OpenSSL backed TLS I don't know if it worth designing an API for that unknown API.
We have definitely made some missteps with this API design (I should probably write a giant "mea culpa" blog post at some point pointing out what many of those errors were). However, the point of things like IOpenSSLTrustRoot is not to prematurely introduce extra interfaces and functionality where they are not needed - we need such an interface even for a pure OpenSSL-only backend. The point is to keep those things out of the public interface so that callers are not overly coupled to them.

One thing that's important to remember is that "private" is a social convention in Python, so if needs must, a Twisted application can always just go ahead and implement this interface.

2015-12-25 22:35:00 UTC
Glyph Lefkowitz <***@twistedmatrix.com> writes:

(Thanks for the review, Adi!)
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by Adi Roiban
It it documented as a private interface, it has only private methods,
but then it is exposed in twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS
Yes, this is intentional. It is a private interface, so you can't
check if something provides it, you aren't allowed to know what
attributes it has, and you can't implement it.
So in the context of #7671 and testing, can the tests for multiTrust()
just check that they get an IOpenSSLTrustRoot implementation back or do
... something else? That is, currently I'm just confirming this via
asserting IOpenSSLTrustRoot.providedBy(theReturnValue) or so in the
tests. Of course, this means I'm importing the private interface into
the tests...

Thanks! and merry christmas,
Glyph Lefkowitz
2015-12-26 02:32:21 UTC
Post by meejah
(Thanks for the review, Adi!)
Post by Glyph Lefkowitz
Post by Adi Roiban
It it documented as a private interface, it has only private methods,
but then it is exposed in twisted.internet.ssl.optionsForClientTLS
Yes, this is intentional. It is a private interface, so you can't
check if something provides it, you aren't allowed to know what
attributes it has, and you can't implement it.
So in the context of #7671 and testing, can the tests for multiTrust()
just check that they get an IOpenSSLTrustRoot implementation back or do
... something else? That is, currently I'm just confirming this via
asserting IOpenSSLTrustRoot.providedBy(theReturnValue) or so in the
tests. Of course, this means I'm importing the private interface into
the tests...
Twisted's own tests may always feel free to import private implementation details if they're useful for testing.

However, ideally, the tests for multiTrust ought to pass along a fake OpenSSL context object and ensure the correct methods are called on it; you can do this without importing any private API, just public API from pyOpenSSL and public API from Twisted, but it does involve a bit more set-up. There are, however, lots of examples of doing that setup, particularly in test_sslverify (which already has a FakeContext). So if you can, please do it that way.


