Mike Burns
2016-04-05 22:24:00 UTC
Hi all,
tl;dr sysadmin wants to help Twisted. How do?
I've been lurking on this list (and irc) for a while with the intention of
lending a hand with some of the infrastructure tasks Glyph has flaunted in
some offline chats we've had. For context, I'm a DevOp at Rackspace and
have been around the FOSS world for a number of years starting back at
university (go Beavs!). After hearing some of Glyph's sysadmin war stories,
I thought I could lend a hand.
So far, I've landed a (very small) Braid documentation fix and gotten a dev
environment setup, but the real question is what the Twisted community
(and, in turn, Twisted admins) would most benefit from fixing and what
order things should be approached in?
There are a couple different pages I've come across that collect
sysadmin-sounding tasks[0][1] but they aren't really prioritized for
newcomers to adopt and work on. Are there infra/systems projects available
that I can help with? Where should I start?
[1] https://github.com/twisted-infra/braid/pulls
tl;dr sysadmin wants to help Twisted. How do?
I've been lurking on this list (and irc) for a while with the intention of
lending a hand with some of the infrastructure tasks Glyph has flaunted in
some offline chats we've had. For context, I'm a DevOp at Rackspace and
have been around the FOSS world for a number of years starting back at
university (go Beavs!). After hearing some of Glyph's sysadmin war stories,
I thought I could lend a hand.
So far, I've landed a (very small) Braid documentation fix and gotten a dev
environment setup, but the real question is what the Twisted community
(and, in turn, Twisted admins) would most benefit from fixing and what
order things should be approached in?
There are a couple different pages I've come across that collect
sysadmin-sounding tasks[0][1] but they aren't really prioritized for
newcomers to adopt and work on. Are there infra/systems projects available
that I can help with? Where should I start?
[1] https://github.com/twisted-infra/braid/pulls
@mburns | https://keybase.io/mburns
@mburns | https://keybase.io/mburns