2017-04-29 02:02:15 UTC
Hello Twisted Community,
Since I changed jobs, maintaining Twisted is no longer one of my formal professional responsibilities. There have also been a number of recent events in my personal life which have reduced the amount of free time that I have, and impending changes that will reduce it even further.
This doesn't mean that I won't be contributing to Twisted at all as part of my job (in fact I probably have something coming later this month), just that since I no longer work for an infrastructure provider, "open source qua open source" is no longer part of the job description.
As such, I've been contributing to Twisted somewhat less lately, and I expect that contribution to further decline at least for a while.
Rather than this just resulting in an overall decrease in activity, I wanted to send an explicit message asking the community for help, to try to use this as an opportunity. In the past, when prominent members of the project (myself included) have stepped back, others have stepped in to fill the void, and this has often been the catalyst for significant community growth. However, this has always been a slow, organic process, because core project members (again, myself included) haven't always been clear about when they were going to be active.
So, if you are wondering, "what can I do for Twisted"?
If you area already a commit member with repo:write, you know what to do. Get cracking.
Reply to this message. Let's get a conversation going. Maybe someone else has some good ideas.
Check out <>. The one advantage of remaining on Trac (as opposed to moving fully to Github) is that you can see at a glance, by looking at which rows are not greyed out on that report, what tickets that you have the ability to submit an authoritative code review for. The rule is: external contributors can review stuff submitted by project members.
Our main hosted machine now supports Docker! Volunteer for some operational responsibilities, or move more of our infrastructure into containers so that more of the maintenance work can be reliably tested by folks without permissions to access the actual infra. Have a look over at <>.
Everyone's favorite owl also seems to have been somewhat more busy with non-Twisted stuff of late: volunteer to be a release manager to keep our pace of releases up!
Finish porting us to Python 3. We are very, very close: <>
Looking forward to see what y'all can do in my (mostly) absence,
Since I changed jobs, maintaining Twisted is no longer one of my formal professional responsibilities. There have also been a number of recent events in my personal life which have reduced the amount of free time that I have, and impending changes that will reduce it even further.
This doesn't mean that I won't be contributing to Twisted at all as part of my job (in fact I probably have something coming later this month), just that since I no longer work for an infrastructure provider, "open source qua open source" is no longer part of the job description.
As such, I've been contributing to Twisted somewhat less lately, and I expect that contribution to further decline at least for a while.
Rather than this just resulting in an overall decrease in activity, I wanted to send an explicit message asking the community for help, to try to use this as an opportunity. In the past, when prominent members of the project (myself included) have stepped back, others have stepped in to fill the void, and this has often been the catalyst for significant community growth. However, this has always been a slow, organic process, because core project members (again, myself included) haven't always been clear about when they were going to be active.
So, if you are wondering, "what can I do for Twisted"?
If you area already a commit member with repo:write, you know what to do. Get cracking.
Reply to this message. Let's get a conversation going. Maybe someone else has some good ideas.
Check out <>. The one advantage of remaining on Trac (as opposed to moving fully to Github) is that you can see at a glance, by looking at which rows are not greyed out on that report, what tickets that you have the ability to submit an authoritative code review for. The rule is: external contributors can review stuff submitted by project members.
Our main hosted machine now supports Docker! Volunteer for some operational responsibilities, or move more of our infrastructure into containers so that more of the maintenance work can be reliably tested by folks without permissions to access the actual infra. Have a look over at <>.
Everyone's favorite owl also seems to have been somewhat more busy with non-Twisted stuff of late: volunteer to be a release manager to keep our pace of releases up!
Finish porting us to Python 3. We are very, very close: <>
Looking forward to see what y'all can do in my (mostly) absence,