[Twisted-Python] Running trial on windows
John Aherne
2016-04-03 13:45:34 UTC
When I run trial in a virtualenv it seems to miss some imports and skips
some tests.

It would seem to be mainly wincertstore that it can't import.

To make it work I have to include wincertstore in my main python setup and
then it starts to test the wincertstore tests.

Anyone else seen this happening.

This is Windows 10 and python2.7.11 32 bit, virtualenvwrapper-win 1.2.1

*John Aherne*

*www.rocs.co.uk <http://www.rocs.co.uk>*
020 7223 7567
2016-04-04 07:47:09 UTC
When I run trial in a virtualenv it seems to miss some imports and skips some tests.
It would seem to be mainly wincertstore that it can't import.
To make it work I have to include wincertstore in my main python setup and then it starts to test the wincertstore tests.
Anyone else seen this happening.
This is Windows 10 and python2.7.11 32 bit, virtualenvwrapper-win 1.2.1
How exactly are you running `trialĀ“ ? I believe that, since we don't use console-scripts entry points, we don't get .exe files generated on Windows, and so the wrong thing may be happening when you type 'trial'.

IIRC the way to ask cmd.exe this is 'where trial'.

