[Twisted-Python] Twisted 15.3 Release Announcement
Amber "Hawkie" Brown
2015-08-04 07:05:06 UTC
On behalf of Twisted Matrix Labs, I am honoured to announce the release of Twisted 15.3.

We're marching confidently into the future, and this release demonstrates this:

* 10+ modules ported to Python 3 (see NEWS for specifics)
* Twisted Lore has been removed.
* Twisted no longer releases as 'subprojects' -- there is only one Twisted, long may it reign.
* twistd now uses cProfile (instead of Hotshot) as the default profiler.
* 40+ more tickets closed overall.

You can find the downloads at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Twisted (or alternatively http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/Downloads). The NEWS file can be found at https://github.com/twisted/twisted/blob/trunk/NEWS .

Many thanks to everyone who had a part in this release - the supporters of the Twisted Software Foundation, the developers who contributed code as well as documentation, and all the people building great things with Twisted!

Twisted Regards,

Amber "Hawkie" Brown
GPG: https://keybase.io/hawkowl
Judy Craig
2015-08-04 07:05:32 UTC
This is an automatic reply. I am away from the office for the summer, returning on Tuesday, August 25, 2015. I will be happy to get back to you then.

Enjoy your summer!

Judy Craig
Student Services

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