[Twisted-Python] [Twisted] #7934: Add assertion helpers assertLogEvent/assertLogEvents for testing log events
Eeshan Garg
2016-11-01 00:05:37 UTC
Hi @glyph!

My sincere apologies for being so inactive on this ticket. Unfortunately,
the past few weeks have piled up too much on my plate. I do plan on
responding to markrwilliams' review in the next week or so. Thank you so
much for taking the time to look at this ticket, I promise the time you
spent on it won't go to waste, as I do plan on going through with this and
follow it up with further involvement in Twisted as a whole. Looking
forward to learning more from you and markrwilliams and from everyone else!

Eeshan Garg
#7934: Add assertion helpers assertLogEvent/assertLogEvents for testing
log events
Reporter: eeshangarg | Owner: eeshangarg
Type: enhancement | Status: new
Author: |
* keywords: review =>
Since there were no objections

Ticket URL: <https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ticket/7934#comment:12>
Twisted <https://twistedmatrix.com/trac/>
Engine of your Internet
Glyph Lefkowitz
2016-11-01 00:07:23 UTC
My sincere apologies for being so inactive on this ticket. Unfortunately, the past few weeks have piled up too much on my plate. I do plan on responding to markrwilliams' review in the next week or so. Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this ticket, I promise the time you spent on it won't go to waste, as I do plan on going through with this and follow it up with further involvement in Twisted as a whole. Looking forward to learning more from you and markrwilliams and from everyone else!
No need to apologize! Just work on it as time allows. If we all had to feel bad about being unresponsive, I'd take one look at the 14-year-old tickets on Report 1 and collapse under the crushing weight of the guilt :).

