twistd -ny master_player2.tac
There were no problems with starting my application.
sudo apt-get purge python-twisted
sudo apt-get autoremove
sudo pip install Twisted
I should point out here that you should not modify your operating system like this. If /usr/ is managed with 'apt', then let it do that; 'pip' and 'apt' can't manage the same files without stomping on each other. Better would be to create a virtualenv for your application and 'pip install Twisted[tls,http2]' in there.
In this specific case, on a raspberry pi which is purpose-built, you'll probably be fine, but `sudo pip install` is just a bad habit to get into.
exceptions.ImportError: No module named shared
Failed to load application: No module named shared
Try `PYTHONPATH=.` on the command line before `twistd`.
(Also, you might want to try `twist` instead, then you don't need the `-n` option...)